Monday, May 24, 2010

Roses & Ribs: Signs of Spring

Have you ever noticed that exact moment when you know spring has truly arrived?

For me it was this Sunday during a belated Mother's Day trip with my daughter to my favorite greenhouse. Their specialty is tea roses of exotic hues and spicy perfumes that patiently park in my Alberta garden for a brief furlong of perhaps 4 months, on a good year that is. Then in September Fred pulls in to my yard and gently says, "It's time... "

I reluctantly say good-bye to summer as he loads the tender roses into his truck-rescuing the red and white splashy "George Burns" and the blood-crimson "Northern Ruby" to the safe lands of Penticton where -45 is a measurement only found on an ice cream freezer. Like refugees they seek a better land at KeriGlen where they can thrive in Elsie’s garden and I will delight to see them blooming in Okanagan glory again next summer.

But as I write this it is 9:00 pm on the mountain at KeriGlen and the temperature is a beautiful balmy 20 degrees with a slight breeze south up from Skaha Lake. Fred has likely fired up the new Weber BBQ and Elsie is trying this wonderful Weber BBQ ribs recipe she has sent me. So I am thinking...let's try it together at home and when we get back to KeriGlen, we'll sample Elsie's version. Let me know what you think of it. Try it with the early fresh corn on the cob that is now out and pretty good although the August peaches and cream from the South of Lake Skaha farms is unbeatable with its sweetness and tenderness.

But it all tastes extra fantastic while sitting around the patio table at KeriGlen watching the golfers below swinging off the 5th hole with the blue and silver lake below. Come and see for yourself if you can also say, as you lick the sweet sauce off your fingers, ahh..this is the moment that Spring has arrived.

And if you have a killer ribs recipe, then post it here!

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